Η ΣΙΓΜΑ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ Α.Ε. ιδρύθηκε το έτος 1992 από τη συνένωση τριών ατομικών γραφείων μελετών με προσανατολισμό την εκπόνηση μελετών και την παροχή υπηρεσιών συμβούλου σε έργα υποδομής και περιβάλλοντος.

H ΣΙΓΜΑ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ Α.Ε. βρίσκεται μεταξύ των πιο σημαντικών μελετητικών σχημάτων της Χώρας. Ειδικότερα στους τομείς παροχής υπηρεσιών τεχνικού συμβούλου και εκπόνησης μελετών έργων περιβαλλοντικής υποδομής


PrACSI Group of Companies a long experience in providing the Oil and Gas Industry with automation and control products and control systems for industrial complexes Petrochemical Plants and the Water, Power and Desalination Industry.

PrACSI has a wide experience in a number of systems, including DCS, PLC, SCADA, Metering and others. The engineering staff of PrACSI consists of Chemical, Electrical and Instrument engineers with mostly Oil & Gas experience ranging from 22 years to 5 years.

PrACSI Group

IPM - International Process & Metering company has a long experience in providing the Oil and Gas Industry with automation and control products and control systems for industrial complexes Petrochemical Plants and the Water, Power and Desalination Industry. IPM offers servicess throughout the Middle East via our service centers in United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

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PrOCESS, is a Control Systems company, specializing in Safety System Integration for Hydrocarbon Industry, Process Automation, Instrumentation, Metering Systems and Regional Manpower Services for Installation, Construction, Erection, Commissioning and Maintenance of supplied or OEM equipment.


ProCONTROL - Process Control Engineering & Safety Systems. Provide Middle East based Supply, Engineering and Services to the Industrial Sector, Oil and Gas and Utilities companies. ProCONTROL develops Middle East based cores of Technology for improving the productivity and environmental compliance of Middle East industries.


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